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Military Service

Paths to a Military Career

If serving in one of America’s five military branches is something you are interested in, a path forward is possible—under certain circumstances. Although a felony conviction automatically disqualifies enlistees, you can apply for a felony waiver that grants special permission to applicants with a criminal record.

Should you choose to enlist, recruiters will conduct an in-depth moral screening and extensively review your background. Whether or not you qualify for a felony waiver depends on several factors, including the nature and severity of your offense, your current legal status and how much demand for military personnel exists, among others.

Talking to a lawyer or a military recruiter about your chances for consideration is a good first step. You can also check out this article for additional details about the felony waiver application process.

To learn more about the branches of service, visit their websites:

Air Force
Coast Guard

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