Job Postings
Finding and Applying for Jobs
As you begin your new journey, returning to the workforce will be a vital step—it not only provides steady income, but helps you reintegrate into your community and develop a sense of purpose. While the prospect of finding work may seem daunting, remember that there are many opportunities you can pursue and resources for helping you find them.
Online job boards provide listings of open positions in innumerable fields, local employment services can help match you with the right employer, and vocational education and training resources can align you with a rewarding career path.
Online job boards are a great starting point and easy to access—here are several to begin your search:
Online Job Boards
Local Employment Services
Take advantage of employment service centers in your area to help with your job search. Recruiters and case workers can work with you to determine your interests and skills, match you with open positions and help you secure interviews—local businesses often partner with these centers to fill their staffing needs. Simply search online for “employment services” or “employment agencies” to get started.
In addition, the U.S. Department of Labor has more than 2,400 American Job Centers nationwide that provide free help to job seekers. Their CareerOneStop website can help you locate an AJC office near you and find other local workforce services.
Vocational Education and Training
Job opportunities abound in many industries—particularly the skilled trades—for candidates with specific training and experience. From over-the-road truck driving to carpentry to computer coding and more, you can begin a rewarding career with the proper knowledge. Check out these education and training resources to see the many paths you can pursue and how to get started:
Apprenticeship Finder
My Next Move
Job Corps Enrollment
Resources for Veterans
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